October, 1950. Escaping from the hardships and difficulties of World War II, two young men, Pasquale Iachini and Alfonzo Marrozzi, decide to move towards a new destination in search of new horizons and a better quality of life.
Venezuela welcomes them with open arms like it did with many other European immigrants, allowing them to cultivate a promising future, far from the miseries of the post-war. Once settled, they sow the seed that decades later became one of the most solid companies of road construction of the country: Construcciones Yamaro.
After gathering all their savings, Pasquale Iachini and Alfonzo Marozzi with the support of some relatives, decide to partner to acquire a small Fiat truck with which they started to be dedicated to the transport of construction materials.
With total ignorance in the construction sector, they began to work with much effort and sacrifice until they acquire the necessary skills that allowed them to cement the bases of what would later formally be Construcciones Yamaro.
In 1969, after a process of debugging of its members, Pasquale Iachini and Alfonzo Marozzi, realizing the magnitude of the work to come, decided to grant legal character to the company and thus Construcciones Yamaro was born, as a synthesis of the initials of the surnames Iachini and Marozzi.